
Showing posts from March, 2020

Social Distancing and Isolation : Keeping Relations Strong in Quarantine

Here we are still under "house arrest" thanks to the COVID-19 virus, and still no end in sight to the madness, thanks to incompetent leadership, misinformed panic buying and obstinate mental midgets who feel this is still a joke not to be taken seriously. Between the people who are defiantly exposing themselves and others to the possibility of catching this disease and the useless, deranged pieces of garbage opportunistically gouging others for necessities, it's enough to trigger all the worst emotions: fear, depression, anger and hatred. This is not how 21st Century America is supposed to be. But here we are. Throughout this event our gregarious society has been relegated to this concept of social distancing at least, and at "best", self-isolation. If everyone would just do as suggested and would stop trying to push the boundaries of sanity or common sense, maybe we could get through this thing with few casualties and things will start getting back to nor...

Wearing Green and Starting Fresh : Happy St. Patrick's Day in the COVID-19 US-of-A

Sorry for yet another delayed post, guys. I've had a lot going on with a new musical project, and a lot of my personal time has been reallocated to other things for a bit, so I have been off my normal weekly Friday posting schedule. Anyhow, let's get to it... One year ago today, I embarked on a journey which started as an invigorating and new adventure but came sputtering to a miserable, embarrassing halt 7 and a half months later, having drained me of both money and some of my sanity along the way. Happy to say though, that today I'm in a far better "place" than I was a year ago. At least emotionally and mentally. I'll never get back the money I was bled of, or the time that was essentially wasted, but I'm coping nicely, all things considered. Just as I refused to let a simple failure due to---let's just call it--- "severe personality incompatibility" ruin me when it comes to the idea of relationships, I can't let the association ...

Memoirs of Misery : Reading Through Past Relationship Correspondence

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings or curses with social media, and all this electronic messaging stuff we do, is that thanks to most people's awkwardness and insistence on texting/messaging instead of talking, we no longer have to rely on hearsay or selective memories to remind us of past mistakes, or to prove our case in an argument which others have been made a part of. No, now we can call up that conversation, screenshot that S.O.B., and show the people what they need to see. It keeps us honest, and that's a good thing. But the downside to it is that going back and reading through messages sometimes invokes those old feelings you felt again, and I'm not talking about "good" feelings necessarily. Sometimes that anger is reawakened, or that heartbreak, or that mortifying disappointment.But you know what? Suck it up. Be thankful you ARE reminded of those missteps, so you won't make them again, or so you won't second-guess yourself. I'm still ...