Social Distancing and Isolation : Keeping Relations Strong in Quarantine
Here we are still under "house arrest" thanks to the COVID-19 virus, and still no end in sight to the madness, thanks to incompetent leadership, misinformed panic buying and obstinate mental midgets who feel this is still a joke not to be taken seriously. Between the people who are defiantly exposing themselves and others to the possibility of catching this disease and the useless, deranged pieces of garbage opportunistically gouging others for necessities, it's enough to trigger all the worst emotions: fear, depression, anger and hatred. This is not how 21st Century America is supposed to be. But here we are. Throughout this event our gregarious society has been relegated to this concept of social distancing at least, and at "best", self-isolation. If everyone would just do as suggested and would stop trying to push the boundaries of sanity or common sense, maybe we could get through this thing with few casualties and things will start getting back to nor...