
Showing posts from February, 2021

New Year Update

So I realize it's been several months again since my last blog. I guess previously, I was still feeling the pangs of the sorry excuse over a relationship I was getting out of, which had basically triggered and reignited all of my PTSD from my marriage and then some, and I really felt like I had to vent a lot, as well as offer people from worthwhile advice to hopefully spare them the nonsense I had to go through. I hope it has been helpful. According to a couple of readers, it has, and it means a lot to me that some of you guys have benefited from my efforts here. While we're still in the middle of a pandemic and things are not back to "normal as we know it, I can say things remain pretty good on this end. Surprisingly so, actually, especially if I really reflect on where I was a year-and-a-half ago, or 2 years ago. The only really bad things that have happened in the past several months involve having lost a couple of dear friends of mine, particularly both the husband and...