COVID-19 Quarantine Update
I've gotten a few emails checking in to see if I'm alive and well since I've been kinda' quiet the past few weeks, so I thought I'd post that yes, I am indeed alright, and have basically just been doing some "social media distancing" the past month because of all the crappy news, and honestly due to not only people acting foolish about the pandemic but also about the upcoming election. Lemme' 'splain with a post I shared with some friends on other platforms...
I'm greatly disappointed in society, my country, the world in general right now, and I have been trying to limit my exposure socio-political idiocy. Not to mention ideological hypocrisy. And while we're at it, I've pretty much reached my wits end of reading posts by people being selfish, irresponsible and stubborn, not to mention grossly misinformed or in terrifying degrees of denial about the overall health of our country right now, and it's very frustrating watching people make jokes or take lightly very serious scenarios that put segments of our population life-threatening danger. None of you are funny. None of you are edgy. None of you are clever whatsoever. You are an embarrassment, both as United States citizens and as human beings, and you make me sick. You make me want to avoid social media and pretty much any outside connection with the world because you fucking disgust me. There, I said it, because somebody has to.
Everybody who knows me well enough is quite aware that I have always been an advocate for certain causes, demographics, equalities, ideologies and progress. You also know that I do not back down from a challenge or a threat, I do not surrender, and I do not give up when it comes to what's right. But in the past few weeks, I have seen my political party become almost as divided as our party has become with the opposing forces, and I see a bunch of halfassed internet "revolutionaries" willing to sabotage the fate of our nation, be it for the short-term or permanently, over pride and ego, and FOR NO OTHER VALID REASON WHATSOEVER.
During this past month of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have seen people on both sides of the political aisle, of all ages, putting your thumbs to their noses and trying to prove how safe the world really is, people who on any other given day for the past several years would have been found lazing comfortably on the couch but who suddenly want to get out and go to the park or go for a walk or do something other than sit at home, evidently because being told that you should stay at home is the closest thing to oppression you will ever know and therefore you must stand up against it, despite all those years or decades of rebuking the fact that governmental or social oppression ever existed to begin with, because you're in a group privileged enough to never have actually had to experience it for yourself. And when you're not out there simultaneously calling the health scare a false flag or a political narrative while also hoarding toilet paper, hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray left and right, you've decided you suddenly want to go shopping, have barbecues, and complain about how unfair it is that people are asking you just stay at home unless it's absolutely necessary, for the sake of other people who might be more at risk than you. Unfortunately, it won't be all you people acting like you're sticking it to the Man or whatever who get sick and die. No, it's going to be the people you bring the germs around. Your parents. Young children. Your grandparents. People with bronchial issues to begin with. No, you'll live to spite another day, and it will be all just some "coincidence" when anybody you know or care for falls ill. Because it was all a joke. A hoax. And most importantly, you sure showed all of us who were "overreacting" and panicking and practicing social distancing, so that's worth a few casualties here and there, right?
Basically it just boils down to negativity. I enjoy a good argument. I love debating. I enjoy having discussions with diverse participants. I don't even mind having a discussion with people who are downright asshole dumbshits. I have learned to be objective over the years, but unfortunately, people who fall outside of centrism or those boundaries of moderate or balanced political leanings don't appreciate objectivity. If you aren't on their side, you're the enemy. Well fine. I'm the fucking enemy. I have pissed off my fair share of right-wing lunatics and left-wing nutjobs, all because I'm trying to find a middle ground that makes some kind of actual sense. I'm trying to find realistic, FEASIBLE solutions for very bizarre and biased issues. Unfortunately, extremists on both sides have only succeeded in doing one thing, and that is making me not give a damn anymore. They have shown me that both sides are equally stubborn and are not willing to compromise or flex at all. They have shown me that in both scenarios, it is your way or the highway. And if you don't get your way, you're taking your ball and you're going home, and fuck everybody else. Well that goes both ways. Insert Eric Cartman impression here.
So I have unfollowed some people, thinned out my news feed a little bit, basically cut down some of the redundancy and hyperbole. Every damn day this idiot of a president we have is saying something that just proves how stupid he is, and even more stupid his fanbase is. That's a given, sure, it's not going to change until he's voted out. And may the universe forgive us and help us find a way to get him out of office. I'm growing weary of having to ask myself "what colossally stupid thing has the jackass said today?" I also loathe watching fellow Democrats argue among themselves and basically wage war within, basically fulfilling the previously-thought-to-be ridiculous prophecy from folks on the right that the Democrats are just a bunch of flaky insincere crybabies. And what a lot of this bickering and other stuff has really done which breaks my heart the most is that it makes me not care about causes which I one time might have laid down my life for. I just don't really care anymore. Because I see people can turn their passions on and off conveniently. So why can't I? **click**
So yeah, I've been finding other ways to occupy my time and not keep myself as tuned in on social media. Honestly, my mental health has benefited from it mostly. I'm trying to rekindle some of my musical creativity which has floundered pathetically for a long time now. I'm kicking a lot of Super Mutant and Raider ass in Fallout. I've been missing my son who has been quarantined for the last couple of weeks with coughing and a fever, but thankfully he seems to be on the upswing. As much of a pain as the day job can be sometimes, I am eternally grateful to be able to work from home and pay my bills and keep my livelihood through all this. I'm very happy to see some of my friends who did contract the COVID-19 virus or something very close to it have all either recovered or are well on their way to recovery, despite the lack of tests, viable or otherwise. And I hope no one else close to me has to deal with that. So there are things to be thankful for and happy about. And I am trying to let them outweigh the negative stuff.
I'm still here. Like it or not. I'm still kicking. And I'm going to be okay. But hopefully that explains why I have been less participative in the social media send some of you might be used to. Basically, I'm doing it for me. I'm doing it so I don't get depressed. I'm doing it so I don't develop a seething hatred of mankind or especially of people I actually know. Because these are very disappointing and disheartening times. I'm sure I will start getting back into things a little bit here and there, but the break was necessary. And just as necessary will be the very gradual ramping up of social media involvement, because as of right now, I just don't feel all that inclined or compelled to really get involved in any discussions at the moment. It was never meant to offend anyone for me to avoid discussions or not interact with posts I've been tagged in or carry on as normal, but I'm also not going to apologize for it, because I felt it was absolutely necessary for me to do this.
It has actually been kind of a relief not having to feel obligated to engage stupid people on news posts, or debate political topics which people are not really wanting to debate on, only talk at you and try to force-sell you their philosophy. It's actually been almost as good for my mental health as not having to drive up the interstate and be in traffic for 2 hours or more every day. This month I was supposed to be on a Disney vacation for my kids' birthdays, and even the date which we will be able to reschedule that is uncertain as of right now due to everything that's going on. But it's something to look forward to after all this.
Okay, I'm done rambling. Have some things to finish up and I think I've made my point. Stay safe out there, and think twice before you swat the butterfly, people.
I'm greatly disappointed in society, my country, the world in general right now, and I have been trying to limit my exposure socio-political idiocy. Not to mention ideological hypocrisy. And while we're at it, I've pretty much reached my wits end of reading posts by people being selfish, irresponsible and stubborn, not to mention grossly misinformed or in terrifying degrees of denial about the overall health of our country right now, and it's very frustrating watching people make jokes or take lightly very serious scenarios that put segments of our population life-threatening danger. None of you are funny. None of you are edgy. None of you are clever whatsoever. You are an embarrassment, both as United States citizens and as human beings, and you make me sick. You make me want to avoid social media and pretty much any outside connection with the world because you fucking disgust me. There, I said it, because somebody has to.
Everybody who knows me well enough is quite aware that I have always been an advocate for certain causes, demographics, equalities, ideologies and progress. You also know that I do not back down from a challenge or a threat, I do not surrender, and I do not give up when it comes to what's right. But in the past few weeks, I have seen my political party become almost as divided as our party has become with the opposing forces, and I see a bunch of halfassed internet "revolutionaries" willing to sabotage the fate of our nation, be it for the short-term or permanently, over pride and ego, and FOR NO OTHER VALID REASON WHATSOEVER.
During this past month of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have seen people on both sides of the political aisle, of all ages, putting your thumbs to their noses and trying to prove how safe the world really is, people who on any other given day for the past several years would have been found lazing comfortably on the couch but who suddenly want to get out and go to the park or go for a walk or do something other than sit at home, evidently because being told that you should stay at home is the closest thing to oppression you will ever know and therefore you must stand up against it, despite all those years or decades of rebuking the fact that governmental or social oppression ever existed to begin with, because you're in a group privileged enough to never have actually had to experience it for yourself. And when you're not out there simultaneously calling the health scare a false flag or a political narrative while also hoarding toilet paper, hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray left and right, you've decided you suddenly want to go shopping, have barbecues, and complain about how unfair it is that people are asking you just stay at home unless it's absolutely necessary, for the sake of other people who might be more at risk than you. Unfortunately, it won't be all you people acting like you're sticking it to the Man or whatever who get sick and die. No, it's going to be the people you bring the germs around. Your parents. Young children. Your grandparents. People with bronchial issues to begin with. No, you'll live to spite another day, and it will be all just some "coincidence" when anybody you know or care for falls ill. Because it was all a joke. A hoax. And most importantly, you sure showed all of us who were "overreacting" and panicking and practicing social distancing, so that's worth a few casualties here and there, right?
Basically it just boils down to negativity. I enjoy a good argument. I love debating. I enjoy having discussions with diverse participants. I don't even mind having a discussion with people who are downright asshole dumbshits. I have learned to be objective over the years, but unfortunately, people who fall outside of centrism or those boundaries of moderate or balanced political leanings don't appreciate objectivity. If you aren't on their side, you're the enemy. Well fine. I'm the fucking enemy. I have pissed off my fair share of right-wing lunatics and left-wing nutjobs, all because I'm trying to find a middle ground that makes some kind of actual sense. I'm trying to find realistic, FEASIBLE solutions for very bizarre and biased issues. Unfortunately, extremists on both sides have only succeeded in doing one thing, and that is making me not give a damn anymore. They have shown me that both sides are equally stubborn and are not willing to compromise or flex at all. They have shown me that in both scenarios, it is your way or the highway. And if you don't get your way, you're taking your ball and you're going home, and fuck everybody else. Well that goes both ways. Insert Eric Cartman impression here.
So I have unfollowed some people, thinned out my news feed a little bit, basically cut down some of the redundancy and hyperbole. Every damn day this idiot of a president we have is saying something that just proves how stupid he is, and even more stupid his fanbase is. That's a given, sure, it's not going to change until he's voted out. And may the universe forgive us and help us find a way to get him out of office. I'm growing weary of having to ask myself "what colossally stupid thing has the jackass said today?" I also loathe watching fellow Democrats argue among themselves and basically wage war within, basically fulfilling the previously-thought-to-be ridiculous prophecy from folks on the right that the Democrats are just a bunch of flaky insincere crybabies. And what a lot of this bickering and other stuff has really done which breaks my heart the most is that it makes me not care about causes which I one time might have laid down my life for. I just don't really care anymore. Because I see people can turn their passions on and off conveniently. So why can't I? **click**
So yeah, I've been finding other ways to occupy my time and not keep myself as tuned in on social media. Honestly, my mental health has benefited from it mostly. I'm trying to rekindle some of my musical creativity which has floundered pathetically for a long time now. I'm kicking a lot of Super Mutant and Raider ass in Fallout. I've been missing my son who has been quarantined for the last couple of weeks with coughing and a fever, but thankfully he seems to be on the upswing. As much of a pain as the day job can be sometimes, I am eternally grateful to be able to work from home and pay my bills and keep my livelihood through all this. I'm very happy to see some of my friends who did contract the COVID-19 virus or something very close to it have all either recovered or are well on their way to recovery, despite the lack of tests, viable or otherwise. And I hope no one else close to me has to deal with that. So there are things to be thankful for and happy about. And I am trying to let them outweigh the negative stuff.
I'm still here. Like it or not. I'm still kicking. And I'm going to be okay. But hopefully that explains why I have been less participative in the social media send some of you might be used to. Basically, I'm doing it for me. I'm doing it so I don't get depressed. I'm doing it so I don't develop a seething hatred of mankind or especially of people I actually know. Because these are very disappointing and disheartening times. I'm sure I will start getting back into things a little bit here and there, but the break was necessary. And just as necessary will be the very gradual ramping up of social media involvement, because as of right now, I just don't feel all that inclined or compelled to really get involved in any discussions at the moment. It was never meant to offend anyone for me to avoid discussions or not interact with posts I've been tagged in or carry on as normal, but I'm also not going to apologize for it, because I felt it was absolutely necessary for me to do this.
It has actually been kind of a relief not having to feel obligated to engage stupid people on news posts, or debate political topics which people are not really wanting to debate on, only talk at you and try to force-sell you their philosophy. It's actually been almost as good for my mental health as not having to drive up the interstate and be in traffic for 2 hours or more every day. This month I was supposed to be on a Disney vacation for my kids' birthdays, and even the date which we will be able to reschedule that is uncertain as of right now due to everything that's going on. But it's something to look forward to after all this.
Okay, I'm done rambling. Have some things to finish up and I think I've made my point. Stay safe out there, and think twice before you swat the butterfly, people.
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