Recently I've had to deal with someone who I thought was a friend turning around and essentially trying to thoroughly screw me over because a word or phrase did not fit into a crusader's perfect world of political correctness. Instead of said individual saying anything to my face when the incident occurred, or even via less-invasive means after the fact (text, Facebook Messenger, email, etc), this person decided that I crossed a line, triggered some white-guilt overcompensation and thus I was no longer "desirable" to be around and no longer was a respected association, thus resulting in a power-play move which got me kicked off a podcast host position ("demoted" to the title of "guest host") because I was, frankly, the only non-amenable participant in the ever-tightening grip of control over the situation. I have to praise some of my more tolerant, diplomatic and flexible friends, because they certainly have much more patience than I in situatio...